Mole by Roberto
Name: Roberto (Beau) Luna
Where are you originally from?
I was born in Oregon, but I’d say I’m from Evansville, Indiana. We’ve been here for over 12 years and it has become a home to us.
Your Background
Im a “Mexican- American.” While I’m not from Mexico, my parents are Oaxacan. They came to the U.S. to provide us with a better life, and were lucky enough to be given residency here.
Dish/dessert you developed
Pollo con Mole
Ingredients used
Chilies and lots of them. (Pasilla, Guajillo, Ancho, Mulato, chipotle, Chihuactle)
Tomatoes, tomatillos, onions, and garlic
Avocado leaf, cinnamon, sesame seed, raisins, oregano, thyme, plantain
Mexican chocolate and salt
How was the dish developed? – all the details, original story of how it was created.
The dish’s origin story is disputed, but the more famous one is of the nuns who prepared an assortment of chilies, herbs and spices for the Archbishop in Puebla. When asked what the dish is called, one of the nuns replied, “I made a mole.”
The dish’s origin story is disputed, but the more famous one is of the nuns who prepared an assortment of chilies, herbs and spices for the Archbishop in Puebla.
Randy brought in Chef Kirk to help give us an idea of where to go with the Mole. We were given lessons on how to build a Mole (roasting, toasting, and layering). All lessons we use when building our Mole. Chef Alexis came in and helped refine the dish into what we have now. It’s been a lot of trial and error but that’s life, and we’ll continue to develop the sauce.
Why do you love about this dish/dessert
It’s an insight into the labor my mother puts into her Mole. I love it because it’s almost an extension of her. I don’t have the same flair she does in the kitchen, but that’s what time is for.