Arepas and Bollo Pelon by Margaret

Name: Margaret Hung

Where are you originally from?
Caracas, Venezuela

Your Background
Me gradue como Chef de Cocina Internacional en el Centro de Arte Culinario ZiTeresa en Valencia, Venezuela. Trabaje en la cocina de dos Hoteles en Valencia, Venezuela y luego por mi cuenta realice postres, aperitivos, pasteles decorados y comidas para fiestas y eventos privados.

I graduated as a Chef of International Cuisine at the ZiTeresa Culinary Art Center in Valencia, Venezuela. I worked in the kitchen of two Hotels in Valencia, Venezuela and then on my own I made desserts, appetizers, decorated cakes and meals for parties and private events.

Dish/dessert you developed
Arepa y Bollo Pelon.

Ingredients used
El ingrediente principal en ambas preparaciones es la harina de maiz precocida, utilizada para la masa. Entre otros Ingredientes utilizados comunmente en la cocina, el sabor peculiar del relleno del Bollo Pelon se lo otorgan la mezcla de aceitunas, pasas y alcaparras.

The main ingredient in both preparations is pre-cooked corn flour, used for the dough. Among other ingredients commonly used in the kitchen, the peculiar flavor of the Bollo Pelon filling is given by the mixture of olives, raisins and capers.

Bollo Pelon is a typical dish of Venezuelan cuisine from colonial times, it consists of a ball of dough stuffed with a stew that can be chicken, beef or pork.

How was the dish developed – all the details, original story of how it was created
La Arepa es de origen precolombino y forma parte de la alimentación diaria de los venezolanos.
Se podria decir que es una especie de pan redondo y fino cuya masa es realizada con harina de maiz, puede ser cocinada a la plancha (asada) o en aceite (frita).
El Bollo Pelon es un plato tipico de la cocina venezolana de la epoca colonial, consiste en una bola de masa rellena con un guiso que puede ser de pollo, carne o puerco.
Su relleno puede variar dependiendo de la region donde sea realizado, pero el concepto es el mismo. La receta en la que me inspere para esta presentación es del gasteonomo venezolano Armando Scanonne.

The Arepa is of pre-Columbian origin and is part of the daily diet of Venezuelans.

You could say that it is a kind of thin round bread whose dough is made with corn flour, it can be cooked on the grill (roasted) or in oil (fried).

Bollo Pelon is a typical dish of Venezuelan cuisine from colonial times, it consists of a ball of dough stuffed with a stew that can be chicken, beef or pork.

Its filling may vary depending on the region where it is made, but the concept is the same. The recipe that inspired me for this presentation is from Venezuelan gastronome Armando Scanonne.

Why do you love about this dish/dessert
La arepa por que puedes degustarla con casi cualquier tipo de relleno que desees, es infinita la lista y el Bollo Pelon por la combinación de sabores que resulta en un plato cargado de sabor y sazon.

The arepa because you can taste it with almost any type of filling you want, the list is endless and the Bollo Pelon because of the combination of flavors that results in a dish loaded with flavor and seasoning.

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